North Beach Berry News Update

The bees have completed their work

Fresh Blueberries SEASON FINISHED

The Blueberry Harvest is now over.  Thank you for your orders.  We will be back next year and will contact you before next year's harvest if you are on our current list

Our blueberry varieties include Duke, Bluecrop, Bergitta, Reka, Olympia, Darrow and Toro. These berries ripen at various points of the season and are mixed into our 5-pound boxes in a delicious blend.

While not certified organic, North Beach Farm is dedicated to naturally grown produce using only organic fertilizers and weeding and mulching by hand.  Our pollinators are native to the surroundings most commonly the the bumble bee and berry bees and the occasional visiting honey bee from neighbouring hives.  

Fresh  and Frozen Raspberries (new this year) SOLD OUT

After 7 years, Marnie and I have turned one row of domestic Raspberries into seven.  If you like Raspberries, you will love these.

Raspberry season is now closed but please try again next year.  If you are on our raspberry list we will contact you next yar before harvest time.