North Beach Berry News Update


Our Blueberry preorders for the summer are full at the moment!

Although we haven't started picking, we have evaluated our crop in relation to preorders and have decided not to take any more orders at this time.  The order form has been unpublished for the time being.

If you have already submitted an order, we will be contacting you with an idea of when your order will be picked.

Our blueberry varieties include Duke, Bluecrop, Bergitta, Olympia, Darrow and Toro.  These berries ripen at various points of the season and are mixed into our 5-pound boxes in a delicious blend.

While not certified organic, North Beach Farm is dedicated to naturally grown produce using only organic fertilizers and weeding and mulching by hand.  Our pollinators are native to the surroundings, most commonly the bumble bee and berry bees and the occasional visiting honey bee from neighboring hives.  

As mentioned we have stopped taking new orders.  If you have already preordered, we will be filled as possible in the order they are received up until the end of harvest in early September.  Kristen Vincent is our new sales manager and can be reached at  Pick ups will be at the farm as usual.

Raspberry Season is over at the Farm

Thank you for your orders this year.  We had a slightly smaller harvest this year than last but the new canes are coming on strong for next year.   If you have an order in already, we will be completing it.  If you would like to be on our raspberry list for next year, please contact us at